
How To Make Evergreen Content For A Blog

Do you mind if I share a secret to content success with you? It lies in creating evergreen content. If you want to rank for search engines and boost content marketing efforts then get familiar with evergreen content strategies.

What is evergreen content and how you can create evergreen content for your blog business? Most new bloggers and online businesses are clueless when it comes to content planning. And, in my experience, this is a fundamental part of growing your blog.

For many blogs, it takes years to define a clear content strategy. Thus, a long time in building a targeted audience.

Today, we are going to dig into evergreen content and why it's important for your blog business.

evergreen content strategies, laptop on desk, evergreen content marketing
Evergreen content

What is evergreen content

Evergreen content is relevant and timeless. The content created today will be relevant in the next 5 years or more. A content that never gets expired is also referred to as evergreen content. That means evergreen content is the type of content that lasts forever.

What does evergreen content mean?

Just how evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout the season, the evergreen content is similar to that. This type of content revolves around ideas that always remain relevant to readers and the targeted audience.

Why is evergreen content important?

Let's suppose you wrote a blog post on the latest trends, news, or maybe a conflicting story.

As soon as you publish the post, you notice an initial burst in traffic! You got thousands of views and you probably made some money and then it starts to tank. Every time this happens, you go from winning to losing.

This happens all the time when you underestimate the power of evergreen content. And, that's why it's so important to spend time in creating evergreen content that stays on your blog forever. It should continue to send you traffic over the years. Interesting?

Imagine you could write a well-thought evergreen article on your website and it continues to drive traffic and sales for the next 5 or more years.

Isn't this a better idea?

Evergreen content for social media is also important. When social media marketers plan content, they make sure to add evergreen posts to their calendars. These types of posts can be re-schedule throughout the year.

What is evergreen blog content?

Evergreen blog content is exactly the same kind of content that appears on business websites. In this case, a blogger aims to write timeless articles on her blog. That type of content is more helpful in building a readership for your blog.

What are the different types of content?

Generally, there are only two types of content to choose from.

  • Evergreen content
  • Seasonal content

Your blog posts can either be seasonal or evergreen articles. But, there are several content formats or different types of blog posts to write.

Let's look at both types of content for blogs, and businesses.

Evergreen Content

  • Lasts forever
  • Boost SEO
  • Build a targeted audience
  • Can be updated
  • Remain relevant to readers
  • Convert really well

Seasonal content

  • Dies over a short time
  • Boost instant traffic
  • Not successful in long term results
  • Doesn't help to build authority

Now, let's talk about how to create evergreen content for blogs and businesses?

How to create evergreen content?

By far, you probably know why you need evergreen blog posts for your blog or business. Now, let's discuss the steps in brief to create such content.

These steps are just written to give an overview of what extraordinary content you learn inside my ebook.

This new ebook goes in-depth with evergreen content strategies for businesses and bloggers. If you really want to leverage evergreen content in your content plan then make sure to grab my ebook and the bonus workbook. Here are some details about the ebook.

Let's get started with steps to create evergreen articles.

1- Find evergreen content topics

The success of evergreen content lies in finding the best topics. It's not just that you start writing on anything that comes to your mind. It's a nice idea when you don't feel like writing about your readers but probably a bad idea when you want to write intentional blog posts for your readers.

No matter what blogging niche you are in, you must have evergreen content topics. There are so many unidentified ways through which you can find topics that your people are already searching for.

Imagine if you able to write 10 pillar posts on those content topics?


You are starting to attract readers to your website.

There are so many ways to find blog post topics. I listed down 25+ methods to find new blog post ideas here.

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2- Create an evergreen content strategy

When creating a content strategy, it's important to include evergreen articles. By using an evergreen content strategy, you also increase SEO rankings. As your website starts ranking for timeless keywords, your website authority also improves.

Most marketers and bloggers focus on adding an evergreen blog post to their content strategy plan. Although my ebook goes in detail with all the important and must-followed evergreen content strategies, I am sharing some tid bits with you.

Here are a few steps you should definitely add in your own blog content strategy;

  • Plan your topics: Think of what are some words you want to be known for in your niche. This will certainly help you find ideas.
  • Read data from the audience: By using data from your readers, and other SEO tools, you can enumerate what type of posts are well received by visitors. It also further lead to new evergreen content ideas.
  • Go in-depth with your niche: When crafting a solid evergreen content strategy, it's important to dig deep into your niche. Don't be afraid of it. Some blog posts may not get thousands of page views but those posts usually convert well. (The chapter #6 in the ebook goes in-depth about preparing your blog post for high-conversion. I have shared teeny tiny things you can do to convert your site visitors)
  • Add different content formats: The beauty of content creation is also hidden in different content formats. As bloggers, we are mostly driven to create blog posts. But, there are so many other formats that do really well. (You will find the most successful type of blog posts with examples in the ebook)
evergreen content, content marketing, content strategy

3- Create evergreen blog posts

Now, how do you make evergreen blog posts?

Writing the post is the easy part but making a post that converts well is definitely the hard part. The evergreen blog posts must solve problems for your readers.

Whether it's a tutorial or just a simple answer with some hacks, you must create quality content for your readers. The post should emphasize on relevancy as it's one of the pillars of SEO.

When anyone comes to land on your blog post, it should give them answers they have been looking on the internet. And, when YOUR content is top-notch, chances are that it converts every single time.

As a blogger, you also need to be aware of what's happening in your industry. Here's a nice article I found about habits of successful content creators.

4- Use strategies to convert evergreen blog posts

As I said before that writing is the simple part. You sit down and jot down your ideas, and experience on a notepad. But, how are you going to convert your readers?

There are multiple strategies to convert evergreen blog posts. I share every single ninja-trick in my ebook.

You can also read my posts where I share tips to create and convert content.

Evergreen Content Strategies

From choosing evergreen content ideas to creating an evergreen blog post, there are several steps that must be followed.

It's simple when we think of writing a blog post but we get frustrated when we don't see results.

The secret really lies in evergreen content creation. As a blogger or even an online business owner, one needs to understand how evergreen content works. What are the important steps to follow to find a rocking evergreen article idea? Similarly, what it takes to write a post that lasts forever and never get expired.

The reason I keep talking about the ebook is that because, in the ebook, I have broken down all the steps for you. By using examples, and illustrations, you can create evergreen articles for your blog. In addition to that, I also wrote a whole chapter that includes monetization tips to make money from evergreen articles over a long time.

You can learn more about the evergreen content ebook here.

Too often, we miss all those sweet spots where readers convert. And, you are going to learn everything in the ebook.

evergreen content strategies

Evergreen content ideas

Not many bloggers share what works for them!

To be honest, there are a few content ideas that do really well online.

For example, how-to posts are perfect for bloggers and businesses. These types of posts are ideal. By writing how-to posts, you are helping your visitors. People are using the internet for solutions. How to fry an egg, how to comb curly hairs etc.

There are different evergreen content ideas for social media and businesses. For example, a quote on social media always works. It's a type of content that is quick to create and remains relevant to the audience.

The ebook even has a chapter on evergreen content ideas.

You can even take a look at the table of contents here.

Those who have bought my ebook say that they have formed a new content strategy for their blogs using my ebook and are already planning new blog posts .

Wrapping up

Do you focus on creating evergreen blog posts? This strategy has helped me write intentional blog posts for my website.

That's what made me write a whole ebook on this topic.

What is evergreen content? Find out how to create evergreen blog posts to grow your blog, increase website traffic, build up SEO, and grow authority. Get the proven evergreen content strategies inside this post #blogcontent #contentmarketing #bloggingtips #marketing #contentstrategy #bloggers #blogtips
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How to create evergreen blog posts that drive website traffic, make new sales, and get email subscribers on autopilot! Learn the top evergreen content strategy to create content that converts fast. In this post, I show you all the steps you must do to create a perfect blog posts that rank for SEO, and build blog audience. #bloggingtips #contentmarketing #contentmarketingtips #blogtips
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How To Make Evergreen Content For A Blog


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