
How To List Personal Blog On Resume

Earlier this week we posted about why you should put your blog on your resume. We had a lot of questions after that post so I thought why not do a follow up? For a little background, I've seen and designed many resumes and have also helped with the hiring process. But I by no means know everything! You should always do what's best for you and your unique situation, but I hope this answers a few lingering Qs.

How to Reference Your Blog on Your Resume | The Blog Market

Should I add my blog to my resume if I'm not applying to be a professional blogger?

Most people probably aren't applying to professional blogging jobs. When I shared my story, I noted that I did want to land a job as an editor, but it took me awhile to realize how that related to my fun side project, my (at the time) DIY blog. Even if you're not looking for a writing career, it's still a great piece of experience to have on your resume. Some careers you should definitely mention it, like editorial, social media, digital media, publishing, marketing, etc. But some of you asked, what about totally different fields, like business or healthcare?

Unless you blog about topics that are obviously off-putting to some employers, I don't think it ever hurts to put it on. The only reason not to would be if your resume is packed with tons of experience that more directly shows why you're a great candidate for X. (Exactly why you should personalize it for EACH job you apply to!) However, if you don't think blogging skills such as writing, photography, working with advertisers, managing a calendar, social media, content management systems, etc, don't apply whatsoever, then feel free to focus on other experience!

How should I add my blog to my resume?

One reason I wanted to follow up was that I didn't want people to think they should push down other relevant experience + skills to prioritize blogging. Like I said, if you want to work in digital media, a blog is nothing to leave out. But you can show how great you are at establishing community, your creativity, attention to detail, and other skills gained blogging without making it seem like it's your entire world—especially if it's a side project or a work in progress. As proud as I am of my blog and The Blog Market, I still would place that lower on the resume than my freelance jobs, for example.

You can also sneak it in under your skills section, as blogging is an acquired skill. Even if you're not a veteran blogger or pulling in $$$, the very fact that you're learning as you go is very telling. Blogging will fit right in as a skill. And lastly, if you have a qualifications section that shows personal attributes that make you a good candidate, blogging can totally go there too. The fact that you're updating a website regularly with fresh new content shows you're a self starter, ambitious, and willing to work hard for something. This is often a much bigger deal than the blog itself, especially if you're not vying for a job in digital media.

Are there other ways to bring up my status as a blogger?

If the above doesn't quite fit or you're still testing the waters, there are plenty of other ways to bring up the blog off the resume. In cover letters, for example, I think it's important to show a little personality. It doesn't matter what field you're in, there are always more applicants than job openings. Writing a quick sentence about you that says, "In addition to these professional skills, I am also passionate about blogging, photography, and connecting with other people," is only going to make you sound more well rounded! This is something you can also bring up at an interview if relevant, or when a job application asks if you have a website.

It's easy to think, because we're wrapped up in this world, that keeping a blog isn't something that makes us unique. But how many people do you really know in person that regularly blog? That means employers aren't seeing it as much as you think. :)

How To List Personal Blog On Resume


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